Global Perspectives in Healthcare: Service Learning in Honduras
This course includes an assessment of needs, goal setting, and outcomes, as well as implementing health promotion activities. Additional study will focus on the community as a whole and identify needs endemic to the people within it. Health promotion activities and treatment of health problems will be provided within a community with needs. Experiences that provide learning about cultural differences related to health care, family, economics, technology, religion, and other aspects will be identified.
The trip has a healthcare focus however the experience has roles for majors that are not enrolled in healthcare programs. Service opportunities include service to children, hair washing for children, assistance with medical/dental procedures, distribution of supplies, construction, and spiritual care.
Cultural Legacies, Oral Communication, and International Perspectives
Course code and title
Tegucigalpa, Honduras
Estimated travel dates
June 10-17, 2023
Estimated costs
Information sessions
- 3-4 p.m., Monday, Sept. 26